If you’re truly ambitious, you need to become a Founder.

While it’s never too late, most people do have a relatively brief window of opportunity in which to explore becoming an entrepreneur. Sacrificing that opportunity by delaying any action could mean passing on your purpose. Not founding the company you were meant to build because there was always a path of less resistance is the biggest opportunity cost of all.

The real risk is that you never start a company.

You cannot afford to wait.

What’s in the book

We share everything you need to know about how to become a Founder.

First, we explore the mindsets and behaviours of people with incredible founder potential. Second, we delve into our Entrepreneurs First framework for building your cofounding team and moving through the ideation process. Last, we offer advice as you prepare to grow and scale.

The book takes you up to the first ‘seed’ round of funding – the point when you’ve found traction with customers and are about to take off.

We’ve done this thousands of times.

We know how it’s done.

Since we founded Entrepreneurs First in 2010, we’ve funded more than 3000 people, who’ve gone on to found more than 500 companies together, and those companies are now worth more than $10bn.

We’ve been with these founders from before day one, all the way through their founding journeys. Now you can learn about How to be a Founder, step by step, from us.
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This book will help some of the world's most ambitious and talented people start companies.
Tom Blomfeld